Plus de 3 500 dirigeants nous ont confié leur parcours de leadership.

Depuis 2010, nous avons suivi le parcours de leadership de plus de 3 500 leaders et au delà de 150 entreprises.

Découvrez ce que nos clients ont à dire sur nous.

Coaching exécutif

J.M., First Vice-President Investment Financial Institution

Mirella has a smooth and effective way to help an Alpha personality put his ego into his pocket and see the benefit of modifying one’s own behavior. She can help even the most intense individuals develop improved interpersonal skills! The objectives of the coaching sessions were clearly stated and the pathway well defined. The learnings were great and will be of use for many

M.F., Former General Manager, Digital Experience Loyalty Company

Working with Mirella proved to be an invaluable, transformational experience. Her ability to fully understand people’s motivations and behaviours, and how they interact within complex inner-company dynamics, made every conversation with her enlightening. She guides significant self-reflection and provides useful tools while ensuring that the coaching experience translates into tangible results. Mirella’s friendly approach and her great sense of humour made each coaching session a meeting I looked forward

Anne E. Primeau, Director of Human Resources (retired)

In my former role as Director of Human Resources, I valued Mirella’s contributions as a business psychologist and executive coach in developing our key talent. I received very positive feedback from the individual executives she worked with and also from their individual managers following their 3-way coaching sessions. Mirella exemplified the role of an executive coach, one who maintains a high level of confidentiality with her clients, whose coaching style is open and non-confrontational, and is able to continually engage her clients throughout the coaching process. I have also been able to get to know Mirella as a person; one who enjoys life, who is mindful of living her life well and in harmony, and continually looks for ways to improve

M.N. Ancien Directeur Général, Non-profit organization

Mon expérience de Coaching avec Mirella fût des plus enrichissantes. C’était ma première expérience de travail avec un Conseil D’administration et les échanges avec Mirella m’ont permis de transformer de 100% mes relations avec mon CA. De plus, elle m’a aussi permis de renforcer mon leadership et d’améliorer la rapidité de mes décisions dans la gestion des opérations. Mirella est une personne de coeur, enjouée et très génereuse de son temps. Je vous la recommande fortement et encore aujourd’hui, je peux bébéficier de ses précieux

M.L., Directeur principal, Ressources humaines, Aviation & Aérospatial

Dès ma première rencontre avec Mirella, j’ai su qu’elle pourrait m’aider dans ma démarche de coaching. Elle a le don de rendre les gens à l’aise et parvient de façon subtile à déceler leurs lacunes et les aider à les corriger. Son expérience et sa grande connaissance du marché du travail lui permettent de s’adapter à toutes situations et de se mettre dans la peau des gens afin de les aider à trouver leurs propres solutions. Merci Mirella, tu m’as beaucoup aidé à devenir un meilleur

E.H.O., Chief Financial Officer at Nanyang Technological University (Former VP, Finance, Singapore Loyalty Company)

I have met Mirella twice, both through Skype meeting, as part of an assessment process. While apprehensive at first, within minutes after our first meeting, Mirella immediately put me at ease, instilled trust and respect, and I found myself fully engaged throughout the interview process. I find Mirella very professional, and a true expert. Her delivery is always clear, flawless and impactful. I was particularly impressed with her coaching skills at the second session, where she did a full and accurate debrief of my strengths and weaknesses. Mirella offered great insights, learning and valuable practical advice, which I will always value as part of my continuous learning and development. Thank you,

It was eye opening! Very engaging and impactful. I definitely recommend to all managers/leaders who are willing to invest on their talent development and employees for future leaders. The material was very well prepared, excellent flow which impact individuals to think and reflect on themselves.

I felt privileged to have had such a qualified and experienced facilitator. Mirella gave us a lot of insights into behavioral science as well as many practical examples. I will definitely take away a lot from this course! Thank you!

Excellent Program! Best one I took at my workplace. Mirella was so generous in sharing her expertise and experience and so knowledgeable. I liked the balance between theory, practice exercises, and explanations from the facilitator.

Great course! It helps develop my default mode network.

The process we learned about gave me a structured approach to the two, allowing me to be more confident and comfortable. It helped put into “real terms” a lot of feelings and ideas I had and make it more concrete for me. Mirella was a fantastic instructor and I would happily take another course in this area! She was extremely knowledgeable and obviously quite experienced! She created an open and friendly atmosphere and made the material interesting and encouraged constant discussion.

Very interesting program. Definitely opened my eyes on coaching mindset and realized I have been doing mentoring/teaching. Content is just right, not overwhelming. Mirella is very enthusiastic in her presentation of the course. Very insightful. Had an overall good experience working and practicing during the program. Very well paced. Will take time for me to get into practice the method, but I feel I have all the tools I need.

Excellent training! Good methodology! Thanks for this new tool!

This was a very valuable experience for me and I feel that I will be using it on a daily basis in my current job and personal life. It has opened my eyes on how to be a better leader and colleague in my workforce and as a parent, to be a better guide for my children.

Absolutely love the class and see high value in my day-to-day work. Now I am just eager to learn more and practice as much as possible.

Excellent Program! The quick reminder printouts are very handy. The material is well-explained and practiced. Extremely interesting link between problem solving mindset and coaching approach. Very helpful material to boost your team growth.

As someone who did not really know what I was about to experience. I felt like I was thrown in the deep end of the pool but with a lifeguard watching my every move and making me feel safe. I learned the difference between coaching and managing, a diff I did not realize existed before. The exercises were great practice to understand the technique and see where your weaknesses /bad habits reside. The pacing and flow are quite dynamic, found that the videos also helped me put the method into context. As for my personal experience, I was def challenged, and was able to be coached in the diff exercise which was a bit overwhelming, but allowed me to discover part of what has been holding me back. I feel lucky to have been given the gift of this course from my employer and look forward to continuing my coaching growth.

Excellent workshop! Learning a new way of thinking following practical exercises really helped understand the coaching method. Mirella was excellent! I felt fortunate to be part of such a small personal group.

The program is excellent. It reoriented my approach for interactions, especially with team members. I have been utilizing the ‘navigational’ approach for several months now and it has been an exhilarating journey. It is such a great approach because both participants benefit in the long run.

Senior Leader

The Alignment Project Program was very helpful in identifying key issues and constructive solutions. Particularly effective in creating a shift in communication styles and understanding. Mirella did a superb job herding the cats and adding insights. Wonderful facilitation and having all engaged. The wordsmithing of the leadership team charter was very well done.

Donne de bons outils avec des exemples concrets et pertinents. Mirella est une excellente formatrice. Elle donne des enseignements très claires, avec une bonne fluidité et une bonne interaction avec les participants.

Excellent programme! J’ai beaucoup apprécié les simulations et les exercices. Mirella nous a présenté plusieurs mises en situation. Un bon outil de travail, réaliste à appliquer dans un milieu de travail. Permet de réfléchir au type de gestionnaire que tu es. J’ai beaucoup aimé ma formation.

Excellent programme. Méthode favorisant l’ouverture et la responsabilisation des employés. Mirella est une excellente formatrice. Elle est très connaissante du sujet.

J’ai bien apprécié le programme. Il est agréable de comprendre les fondements et fonctionnements du cerveau. Mirella connaît très bien sa matière. Très bon rythme, la théorie et la pratique sont bien équilibrées. Excellent connaissance, très bien verbalisée!

Excellent plongeon dans l’univers du coaching. Approche simple, facile à retenir et à utiliser. Bravo! Enfin des fondements établis avant de livrer la technique. J’en aurais pris davantage. Mirella est très accueillante et une excellente formatrice!

Excellent programme! Beaucoup d’interactions. Mirella est dynamique et expressive. Ce programme permet de changer la manière de voir les choses et te sort de ta zone de confiance de façon positive.

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